Let's see some of the results:
by Ramona Grancea (3º A)
by Fran J. Martín -a.k.a. Paco P.- (3º A)
Don't you think I got rid of appearing in the project!! One of my students did his project on me. Isn't it great?
by Juan Antonio Leandro (3º A)
There are many more projects but as I haven't got your parents' consent to publish your pictures, I cannot post them. That's a shame!
Thank you so much for working so hard in this project. Keep on doing like this!!
Have a nice day!
Your English teacher,
Aunque no sea en inglés, pues hace muchos años que no lo practico, quería dejar mi comentario sobre este proyecto.Considero que con este tipo de actividades fomentamos el interés de los alumn@s por aprender una segunda lengua.Sigue así teacher,hay pocas como tu.