miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

Trip to Gibraltar

At last we can see the video Pablo has made about our trip to Gibraltar this year!!

Enjoy it!!

Pablo, thanks a million for this nice video!!

Have a nice day!
Your English teacher,

domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

Formación Profesional

Pinchando aquí podéis encontrar toda la información necesaria para solicitar los ciclos de grado medio y grado superior.

Si tenéis alguna duda, ¡ya sabéis por donde ando!

¡Espero que podáis entrar todos en lo que queréis! ¡Suerte!

Vuestra profe,

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

Paco Pepe's Revival

My 3rd A student Paco Pepe is looking forward to being the breakthrough student of the third term!!

Don't you believe me?? Look then to this drawing he just did of his own free will!!

Paco Pepe, you're on the right track!

Have a nice day!

Your English teacher,


Parts of the Body

I asked my 3rd A students to draw the parts of the body taking as a model the drawing below:

These are the ones they have done:

Francisco José Martín Parra (a.k.a. Paco Pepe)

Manuel Fernández Clemens

Quesia Pérez García

Keep on working like this. I'm really proud of you!!

Have a very nice day!

Your English teacher,
